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  Phone : (07) 4945-1622

2020 Flu Shots

Flu shots have arrived! Make sure you make an appointment to get yours done. Private flu shots for under 65’s and those who are not eligible for government funded are $15.

Information released from the Australian National Immunisation Program:

Why get immunised against influenza?

Influenza is a very contagious infection of the airways. It is especially serious for babies, people over 65 years of age and pregnant women.

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect you from serious disease caused by influenza.

By getting vaccinated against influenza, you can also help protect other people, especially people who are too sick or too young to be vaccinated. The more people who are vaccinated in your community, the less likely the disease will spread.

Who should get immunised against influenza?

Anyone who wants to protect themselves against influenza can talk to their doctor about getting immunised.

You should get the influenza vaccine every year. This is because the most common strains of the virus that cause  influenza change every year. The vaccine also changes every year to match these strains.

Influenza immunisation is recommended every year for:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over, for free under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
  • people aged 6 months to under 5 years, for free under the NIP
  • people aged 6 months or over who have medical conditions that mean they have a higher risk of getting serious disease, for free under the NIP
  • pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy, for free under the NIP
  • people aged 65 years or over, for free under the NIP
  • all children over 6 months and all adults
  • women who are planning a pregnancy
  • people who live or work in aged care homes or long-term facilities
  • homeless people, and the people who care for them
  • healthcare workers
  • people who live or work in the same household as someone who is at high risk of serious disease from influenza
  • people who work in early childhood education and care
  • people who work in the chicken or pig industries, if there is an outbreak of bird flu or swine flu
  • people who are travelling overseas.

Australian Government Department of Health. 2020. Flu (Influenza) Immunisation Service. [online] Available at: <https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/immunisation-services/flu-influenza-immunisation-service> [Accessed 1 April 2020].